
Alfa Bank
Last activity: 10 Jul 2019 1:18 EDT
pzStatus of pyWorkPage equals false on case open
Hello, Team
We have a such configuration in our project:
- Work object has Single Page property with Data Access set Refer to a parametrized data page (D_NotificaitonTemplates)
- Data Page D_NotificationTemplates has activity as data source, that tries to Obj-Open corresponding instance from a database on Data Page. If Obj-Open fails, it just sets pyID from pyWorkPage.
- The process is configured that at some point case is assigned to a technical workbasket.
- We have an agent configured to use ResumeFlow activity in order to complete that assignment.
- When ResumeFlow activity is fired, during agent transaction, we see that property pzStatus is equal to false inside pyWorkPage. At the end there is no errors or something spectacular, but our transaction is rolledback and case stays still at the previously mentioned assignment.
Can someone guide me, how to debug functionality that sets pzStatus to false? Per my understanding and corresponding posts on this forum, its value should be valid or invalid.
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***
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Accepted Solution

Alfa Bank
We have fixed symptomes of an issue.
For some reason, data that supposed to be referenced in property via Refer to a Data Page mechanism was saved to the BLOB of the case. In this exact case Data Page found no records. Probably, pzStatus is wrong because there is wrong data inside BLOB.
We implemented activity that opens work object and just deletes property and saves work object.

Pegasystems Inc.
What if your product version?
I guess the page is having the incorrect status before the agent execution. Can you verify that? Stop the agent and check your instance to verify. An Obj-Open-By-Handle might be sufficient to verify.
kouji ka

Alfa Bank
Our product version is 7.2.2.
Recently I've found out that even when opening a case pzStatus on pyWorkPage is equal false.
I'm sorry but I can't run any activities inside production environment. This issue doesn't occure in lower enironment. Probably, something wrong with the D_NotificationTemplate. Could it be that unhandled Obj-Open error sets the pzStatus property, when it doesn't found corresponding instances in the database?

Pegasystems Inc.
Oh this is Production only. Did you trace the agent execution already? Can you share that trace or is it sensible Production data?

Alfa Bank
I'm sorry, I cannot share it with you. There is sensible customers data. I can confirm that there is no difference between regular transaction and failing one, except that in failing transaction we can clearly see that pzStatus equals false.
Inside broken queue item we can see an error like: В данном кейсе произошли изменения. Для продолжения работы откройте его еще раз. (Доп. информация: pxObjClass = "ABR-FW-OpsFW-Data-NotificationTemplate", pyID = "S-19886") it is localized "Message:
Unable to open an instance" rule.

Pegasystems Inc.
With an error like this one: "Unable to open an instance" I would think you should have something on the logs. Nothing in there you sure?
Is the pzStatus set to false from the very beginning of the trace or is it happening during the run?
Mauricio Bolanos Canjura

Alfa Bank
Logs are empty.
pzStatus is set to false from the first step that uses pyWorkPage as its step page.

Pegasystems Inc.
ok so the error has been generated previously. You need to work with your production users to understand the exact scenario. Maybe you should trace the latest user operation before agent execution.

Alfa Bank
Alright, we will take this step tomorrow.
I will post a message about updates.
Thank you.
Accepted Solution

Alfa Bank
We have fixed symptomes of an issue.
For some reason, data that supposed to be referenced in property via Refer to a Data Page mechanism was saved to the BLOB of the case. In this exact case Data Page found no records. Probably, pzStatus is wrong because there is wrong data inside BLOB.
We implemented activity that opens work object and just deletes property and saves work object.