
Knowledge Expert
Last activity: 18 Dec 2015 23:00 EST
pyid is missing
Hi ,
We have a report definition in which Caseid is not displayed in one column and clicking on it would open that particular work item. There is a scenario where case id for a particular case is blank and when u click on that blank space it opens a work item which doesn't have a case id. We tried to reproduce this issue by making pyid=null. This only created a blank space for that particular case in report but when that blank space was clicked it opened that work item and that workitem had the case id.(according to the issue ,when they opened caseid was not shown ) so , Can anyone suggest ur views/approach to trace the issue regarding this ?
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Citicorp Services India Private Limited
Hi ,
If you are on Pega7 and if you have configured the Report Definition in Repeating grid. Then you can add conditional action (if the condition is met, then only the action would be taken) For each action there you can specify a condition.
Please let me know if this helps.

Knowledge Expert
Hi Gowrishankar ,
We are using Pega 6.3v.

If your work table has a BLOB and even if you make the pyID exposed column as NULL, the value is not removed from BLOB. Thus when you open up the work object by clicking on the row, it will show the pyID from the BLOB as Obj-Open gets everything from the BLOB.

Knowledge Expert
Hi Rajiv,
Yes , you are right . But i have no clue that how a case is existing without a caseid.

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you share the screen shots of your definition browser (the search result screen)
3.the clipboard of the particular work object which will open by clicking a row in the search result

Knowledge Expert
Hi ,
Its a production data.
We found that pyID and pxinsname are empty. pzinskey doesn't have pxinsname. This is reflecting in the report. So report is displaying the correct data. We have only one record with this issue.
Workgroup for this work object has pyID as key. So work object should be created with the pyID.
Could you think of any other scenario where in pyID is not generated ?

Pegasystems Inc.
Which version of PRPC are you working on?

Knowledge Expert
We are using Pega 6.3v

Pegasystems Inc.
If sorted by pxCreatedatetime do you able to identify the missing pyID by comparing the pyID one above and one below.

Knowledge Expert
yes , i checked with that . There is no missing Case Id.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi guys,
Are you sometimes working with temporary WorkObjects on your application ? I have seen a situation in the past where the temporary flag was unfortunately deleted and the system was trying to persist the WorkObject on the database without having any ID been generated.

Pegasystems Inc.
If there is no missing pyID, then the only possibility of any work object without pyID is that there has been certain maintenance operation performed using an activity, which may backed up an existing work object, but forgot to delete the backup.
Chunzhi Hong

Looking at the case data (for the case with blank pyid) as well as case history (and assignments if the case is in-flight) might give you more insight into the issue. Also consider any additional processing that happens on your cases. And I'll also look at the case that have matching pxCreateDateTime and compare the case data with that of the case with blank pyID.