
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana
Last activity: 27 Jun 2020 14:21 EDT
pyCommitError: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DATAPEGA.PC_ASM_COBA83_WORK_PK) violated
I have a Case Types named Customer Care Benefit that have 5 Stages. I already make a sections and activities to Run this application. When I Run it, it was running well.
One day, I decided to Delete all Stages then Re-build the Stages again with the same name. Because I got some error at the first stages named Leader Acceptance and I cant resolve it. So I had delete that stage and build the stage again. It could saved as well.
But when I Run it, all flow and all stages looks like broken, The sections not available and I got error like this pyCommitError: ORA-00001: unique constraint (DATAPEGA.PC_ASM_COBA83_WORK_PK) violated (look at ScreenShot). I dont know how to fix this. Where I have to fix this error.
Can you guys tell me ?