pyattachStream value is not populating in pegadata.pc_data_workattach
I am using PEGA OOTB AttachAFile local action from one assignment in my case type. Once I upload the ,attachment ,I can see the attachment in Recentcontent section of the case . I can download it too .
But when I query pc_data_workattach table(via one Report defination ) with my case's pzinskey ,I am seeing the corresponding record gets added into the table where pyattachstream values is blank but other values (pxAttachName,.pxCreateDateTime) having proper data .
Can any one please tell me why ,pyattachstream values is coming as blank ? I am able to see pyattachstream value for some other case types in the table.
My end goal is to ---Take the pyattachstream and pass it to external API in JSON
I am on PEGA 8.4.3.