
]init[ AG
Last activity: 8 Mar 2018 7:07 EST
Properties in Data-Portal
I am building an application based on a Portal stored in Data-Portal-MyPortal. In the Portal the user should be able to type business data into text fields (which have properties defined and post-value on change active) and then click on a button which opens a case (MyCorp-MyApp-Work-Case). The main purpose of the case is to store the data that the user previously typed into the Portal.
Now I am having issues with transferring the business data from the Portal to the Case. I tried via Parameters, Pages&Classes Tab and defined the properties in the Portal on a Data-Page. Nothing seems to be capable of accessing the properties of a Portal, are they in some way designed not to do that?
Besides, what is the difference between starting my case by using pyStartCase or the actual case flow? When using the Create Work Action it seems to make no difference.
Thanks in advance