Upload CSV File on UI from Data-Portal and then parse the CSV Records
Hi ,
I have a requirement where,
- User will upload a CSV file from section in Data-Portal class.
- Then the uploaded CSV file is parsed to number of rows present in it.
What approach should i follow. I did not found any OOB feature which can help.
I tried using pzMultiFilePath control for uploading CSV and then i am not able to understand how will i parse the file in Post Processing as file content are in encoded form in property dragDropFileUpload.pxResults(1).pyFileSource.
Also i tried to store file on server at specified location while uploading on UI and then use Service-File Listener to parse the file. But i do not know how in Pega i can achieve from UI to upload file at a specified location on server.
Let me know if any one has any ideas how can i proceed.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***