Last activity: 21 May 2024 9:41 EDT
Process cannot access the file in Robot
When launching the bot users are getting this error - " The process cannot access the file .openspan because it is being used by another process" and the openspan file is configured at common location.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add case INC-B16764***
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 21 May 2024 9:41 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539 many thanks for letting us know. It seems the incident has not occurred since the original problem and therefore you were unable to enable verbose logging as issue has not replicated .
As detailed in the support ticket the Support Case Reopen feature allows you to reopen a Support Case that was resolved within the past 20 days. If the Support Case was resolved more than 20 days ago, you should submit a new Support Case.
Please refer below document for more details:

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539It seems like it is indeed in-use at the specified location. Do all users have read-only access to the location?
@ThomasSasnett Hi Thomas , This directory has all access to users. i.e Modify , read , read-execute

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539 You probably want to limit it to read-only. I wonder if one of them has it open in some sort of editing state.
@ThomasSasnett We had checked if someone tried to open/lock the file but was not able to see anyone has done that . All were read access requests only. I did try to replicate the scenario by creating a test.openspan file and placing it in a common network share location Open it on my system in edit mode and ask my colleague to launch the bot , he was able to launch the bot . Not sure if opening file would create this error ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539 Is it possible that users have lost access to the file (or their permissions have changed)? You might want to open a support request as that would allow one of us to look at your environment with you to do some hands-on troubleshooting. If you do open a support request, please report the INC number when you receive one.
@ThomasSasnett Please find inc below :- INC-B16764

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539 our GCS team is waiting for a response.
The last info during the call on 2 May was that
" will update us by EOD May-06 on whether issue occurred or not. If it occurs you will enable Verbose logging and will share the same hen the issue occurs next time.
However, if the issue does not occur by EOD May-06, we will reduce the Severity of INC and wait until EOD May-10 to close the INC. If the issue occurs in future, you can reopen the INC."
@MarijeSchillern Hi , I have updated the ticket
Accepted Solution
Updated: 21 May 2024 9:41 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
@shashwats6539 many thanks for letting us know. It seems the incident has not occurred since the original problem and therefore you were unable to enable verbose logging as issue has not replicated .
As detailed in the support ticket the Support Case Reopen feature allows you to reopen a Support Case that was resolved within the past 20 days. If the Support Case was resolved more than 20 days ago, you should submit a new Support Case.
Please refer below document for more details: