
Wirpo Technologies
Last activity: 21 Sep 2016 10:45 EDT
Practice Application Solution- GNW Clarification
As per requirement, The product claim should goes to root category skilled processor. The processing of product claim is based on product price. The urgency also is based on product price.
Question1: In Solution, We have used to ToSkilledWB router, GNW is used with Get Assign From WB First Checked. In this case, GNW will check for assign in WB if nothing found it may goes to WL.
But I implemented like, use ToLevelGroup router. GNW is used with Get Assign From WB First Unchecked. In this case, GNW will check for assign in WL if nothing found it may goes to WB. Ideally all work item wil be in WL. In my implementation i did not use use WB routing. Could you correct me, why shoudl not I use my approach.
Question 2: GNW picking is baed on urgency since solution is not customized. But per requirement it should be based on price, then urgency as second priority. Because there are two claim: P-1 price 100 USD, created at Sep-01. P-2 price 7000 USD created on Sep-17. Here the case P-1 may takes more priority then P-2. Corret me my understanding.
Question 3: OOTB Step#4 findAssignmentInWorkbasket,when it will be used. When this OOTB run specific WB.