
Maantic Inc
Last activity: 12 Jul 2017 18:48 EDT
postvalue action is not working sometimes - pyselect value is not updated in clipboard.
Just to record pySelect value, post value is called in checkbox action.
when user continuously select more than 3 to 5 checkbox, pyselect value are not recorded clipboard.
please suggest me some solution and also want to know what is the script or method called in post value action
#pega721 #postvalue #UI #pyselect
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Accepted Solution

Alternatively, since you are only using post value action, could you try using the action "refresh list" instead of post value ?
That might resolve the issue. Ref-

This can happen if the checkbox/ radio buttons are selected quickly. This is an intended behaviour to avoid unexpected consequences of executing multiple actions.
There is an event queue, but an action is not performed if there is event to be processed in queue, and hence subsequent action does not perform. In the of case of post value for example it might be fine to queue the action(s) and fire them subsequently, but there could be many action combinations that might change the context for next action; Scenarios like refresh section for example. The system deliberately does this to avoid executing successive actions where it might cause unexpected issues.
The event infrastructure that fires the actions on UI events (such as click, change etc.) acts in a serial, blocking way. This means until one action is completed, another is not fired and ignored. This design is to avoid unwanted consequences of executing multiple conflicting actions.
You can implement a variety of local changes to address the quick interactions - they can somehow stop the user from executing actions too quickly, so the Activity in the server gets enough time to execute. Two suggested approaches -
1. Disabling the checkboxes in the grid till the actions complete.
2. Show a busy indicator until the actions completes.
Kuldeep Singh Hada Gerrit Smink

Maantic Inc
Thank you Faizan!!
How to show the busy indicator during busy time,does it have any method to call?

Hi John,
One way to do it is to enter the following code in the userworkform and in actions call functions showBusyIdicator and hideBusyIndicator before and after post value action accordingly.
function showBusyIndicator(){
if(pega.u.d.gBusyInd) {
var origBusyIndInterval = pega.u.d.gBusyInd.busyIndInterval;
pega.u.d.gBusyInd.busyIndInterval = 500;
}else {
var origBusyIndInterval = pega.u.d.busyIndInterval;
pega.u.d.busyIndInterval = 500;
pega.u.d.gBusyInd.busyIndInterval = origBusyIndInterval;
function hideBusyIndicator(){
pega.u.d.gBusyInd && pega.u.d.gBusyInd.hide();

Maantic Inc
Thank you again!!
currently busy indicator displays in configured section center, I want to display in screen center. Note: screen has vertical scroll bar.

Hi John,
It might let a little more complex if you do that, since the busy indicator would have to be triggered at harness level then. I dont have the code/process for that handy right now. We might need additional js for that at harness level. If you really need to show it on the centre of the screen, maybe other members here can help you with the steps to do that.
Since the wait period is very small, I think you can go ahead with the localized busy indicator.

I would still suggest to first try using the action "refresh list" instead of post value. That is an easier and simpler approach.
If that doesnt work, then you can go ahead with the busy indicator.
Hope that helps.
Accepted Solution

Alternatively, since you are only using post value action, could you try using the action "refresh list" instead of post value ?
That might resolve the issue. Ref-
N V S Syam Kumar Muvvala