
Cyient Ltd
Last activity: 25 Oct 2022 4:40 EDT
newAssignPage is not visible on clipboard.
Recently we upgraded application from Pega 8.6 to 8.7. After upgrading, we noticed newAssignPage is not visible on clipboard.
Can someone please help here.
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Bits In Glass
@SaurabhJ7402 Hi Saurabh, The newAssignPage will be visible only on the Assignment context.
For your understanding,
Try to:
Create a flow-> add an assignment-> Run it and verify the moment the assignment is executed the newAssignpage would be displayed in the clipboard.
Amarnath Bokkasam

Cyient Ltd
Hi Sesha ,
When we run flow in designer studio, newAssignPage is visible whereas when we launch flow from portal then newAssignPage is not visible on clipboard.
Now this is happening when I am coming on any assignment.

Bits In Glass
@SaurabhJ7402 Can you post a screenshot? I want to find out how you are able to confirm that assignment page doesn't exist?

Bits In Glass
Try this?
Perform the following local-change: pyRetainPage set to "true"

@SaurabhJ7402 any update on this?

Cyient Ltd
@rodrigoamorim No. Currently I am working on other version of Pega.
Please let me know if you gets some solution to this

@SaurabhJ7402 Sure I will.. thank you

Pegasystems Inc.
Regardless of Pega version that you use, if your application is on Theme Cosmos, newAssignPage gets loaded on DCSPA_UserPortal/ACPRIMARY_0 thread, not on work object named thread (ex. P-1).
If your application is on classic UI-Kit, then newAssignPage gets loaded on the same work object thread.
Now, with Theme Cosmos, if you launch User Portal, you will have this DCSPA_UserPortal/ACPRIMARY_0 thread but if you open an assignment within Dev Studio, you will have TABTHREADX/ACPRIMARY_0 thread instead, where X is an incremented number.
Kensho Tsuchihashi Ramesh Reddy Battini Rodrigo Amorim de Sant'Ana John Christopher Revano Srikanth Yangali and 4 More
Updated: 25 Oct 2022 4:40 EDT

Cyient Ltd
Hi Kensho,
Thank you for your reply. Our application is built on Theme - Cosmos but from both Portal or dev studio I can't see DCSPA_UserPortal/ACPRIMARY_0 thread in clipboard as you had mentioned above. This is Pega 8.7.3 version. Anyways this is our local cloud environment and not the prod.
Also, in my scenario on selected work object in Data page -> Thread, there is one OOTB data page D_CaseAssignment which has assignment details so we have used that.