
Last activity: 25 May 2016 12:31 EDT
Portal Corruption - common causes?
Finding all portals "messed up" on a freshly restarted ML7 system. This includes both developer portal and designer studio - even when logged in as [email protected]
It's like style sheets and static content are just not working right.
Tried refreshing browser cache but that did not help. Tried restarting the server
Have tried deleting static content via prsysmgmt but that does not appear to do anything.
Out of desperation, we tried
- down server
- delete pega temp path
- clear browser cache
- start server
to my surprise, that did the trick - partially. The application portal is still corrupted but designer studio works again?
Is this a common situation?
How should I debug this?
Shouldn't there be something in prsysmgmt to 'unhose' corrupted static content?