Sytel Reply
Posted: Dec 13, 2022
Last activity: Nov 8, 2023
Last activity: 8 Nov 2023 3:18 EST
Populate a Property Page of type $ANY with DX API (v1)
I've a Page (PageDynamic) of type $ANY. I'd like to create an instance of the page with DX API (v1), for example when I create a case. I've tried with something like:
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I've a Page (PageDynamic) of type $ANY. I'd like to create an instance of the page with DX API (v1), for example when I create a case. I've tried with something like:
"caseTypeID": "TGB-HRApps-Work-MyTest",
"pageInstructions": [
"instruction": "UPDATE",
"target": "MyList(1).PageDynamic",
"content": {
"MyProperty": "test12345",
"pxObjClass": "TGB-HRApps-Data-TestClass"
this should create a case of MyTest, and populate dynamically the PageDynamic with the type TestClass (instead of another type of class).
Trying that request on /api/v1/cases, I get an error. This states that pxObjClass is not editable, so I cannot write "pxObjClass": "TGB-HRApps-Data-TestClass".
Is there a way with DX API to create something like this, allowing a page to be instanciated at runtime?
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