Poor performance with copy function of ClipboardPage
We have a declare page with more than 10000 items inside. We found the porfermance is very poor when try to copy one of the items to another clipboard page.
The piece of code as below:
ClipboardPage requestorPage = tools.findPage("Declare_AppFunMatrix.pxResults(1)");
oLog.infoForced("############11 START copying page");
ClipboardPage newPage = requestorPage.copy();
oLog.infoForced("############22 END copying page");
From the log we can find:
- PEGA7 takes less than 10 ms.
- PEGA8 takes more then 200ms.
The PEGA8 has much more poorer performance than PEGA7.
And we also tried to use another copy function of PEGA8:
requestorPage.copy(false, true)
The copy operation still takes more than 200ms.
Does anyone has any idea about this issue? Do we have any other option to tunning the performance?