
John Deere
Last activity: 25 Oct 2024 3:10 EDT
Permanent deletion of data
We need to release space in Pega DB as it has reached 90% of utilization. I am thinking of using below queries to carry out hard delete instead of using OOTB Purge and archive wizard as this process will take time (In one of the article, I red that number records for deletion should be less, not even 5000 else purging may fail). We need to clean up the space asap.
delete from pc_data_uniqueid update pc_data_uniqueid set pylastreservedid=0 //To reset the work object ID numbering sequence delete from <Application Work pool associated database table name> delete from pc_work delete from pc_assign_worklist delete from pc_assign_workbasket delete from pc_history_work delete from pc_data_workattach delete from pc_index_workparty delete from pc_link_attachment delete from pc_link_folder
I have following queries.
1. Is there any issue if we use above queries (I will add where clause to take care of retention period)?
2. If required, can we reinstate data for these tables OR do we need to take backup before running above queries? As per my understanding, we have point in time reinstate strategy