#PegaHackathon2020 Customer Service Dev Studio
How can we get access to Pega Customer Service? I am looking to make use of the email and chatbot for my implementation.
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How can we get access to Pega Customer Service? I am looking to make use of the email and chatbot for my implementation.
Hi Anurag,
Customer service is a framework which needs to be installed on pega platform. You can download the pega customer service from digital delivery. PFB link for reference of customer service installation and the digital delivery link.
After installing the customer service, you can access email and chat channels in the channels and interfaces of the customer service application.
I am seeing the following message after accessing the digital delivery link:
You are not linked to an account. To be linked, ask your company’s Support Contact Administrator to link you. You will then be able to create and update requests to download software licensed to your organization. If you do not know who your Administrators are, ask a colleague who is already linked to tell you. Unfortunately, our support teams are unable to provide individuals’ name of the Support Contact(s) at your organization
Can you help me with this?
How can I add the frame work to the hackathon environment ?
Please find the below article which might be helpful.
Thanks. I understand. Can I not get the framework for the hackathon environment? Do I need to go through the above process even for the hackathon environment?
Question Solved
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