
HCL Technologies
Last activity: 12 Jun 2017 3:32 EDT
pega.desktop.createNewWork() not working with Params
I have requirement to call a flow with Param from HTML control which calls from a drop down. When i tried to call the function without param like pega.desktopcreateNewWork("ClassName", "HarnessName", "FlowName") its working fine. But with the parameter as below its not working,
var Param1 = document.getElementId('RollNoParam');
pega.desktop.createNewWork("ClassName", "HarnessName", "FlowName", &RollNo = Param1)
If I give parameter like this, drop down itself not working, so can someone kindly let me know whether I'm doing anything wrong?
Thanks in Advance for your help
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add SR Created group tag***
***12/06/2016: Updated by moderator: Lochan to close post due to no response on SR and this discussion***