PegaAPI REST basic authentication not working in openstack
Recently project move to Openstack after that the basic authentication is not working.
While hitting the cases api of Pega( for any method), we are getting unauthorized error with 401 status code.
When the authentication is suppressed in the service package as shown below, its responding appropriately.
This behavior is observed only in the new openStack uat environment.
Recently project move to Openstack after that the basic authentication is not working.
While hitting the cases api of Pega( for any method), we are getting unauthorized error with 401 status code.
When the authentication is suppressed in the service package as shown below, its responding appropriately.
This behavior is observed only in the new openStack uat environment.
Do any one can help me on that i found some thing slimier in pdn but that's for the weblogic where as our in jboss .
for weblogic many people as to update config.xml with below code
<enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials>false</enforce-valid-basic-auth-credentials><br />
Can any one know what to do with Jboss? though I think issue is with OpenStack because the lower environment is working with Jboss.
we are only getting this issue in new OpenSack UAT.