
Last activity: 23 Aug 2018 19:06 EDT
Pega Robotics Studio (OpenSpan) - How to allow identification of element at automation run time
Is there any way in Pega robotics studio 8 (formerly openspan) using which we can provide variable name in match rule editor for dynamically selecting a web control from a group of similar web controls based on variable's value at automation run time. If yes, please suggest
Any way of giving dynamic text like %var_name which can be taken up at automation run time
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is an example:
When you exit the loop if you have found the item, the web control proxy will be the DIV you are looking for. Operate on it to perform any required automation.

Pegasystems Inc.
You cannot match dynamically like this at runtime. However, if you match using UseKeys = true, you can iterate through the matched controls using the GetClones method of the control and find the control you are looking for.

Thanks for your reply.
Can you please give an example as to how to loop through the list of clonecollection (collection of Div elements in my case) using listLoop tool in Pega Robotics Studio 8.0 and to select one based on its inner html text value?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Here is an example:
When you exit the loop if you have found the item, the web control proxy will be the DIV you are looking for. Operate on it to perform any required automation.

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
then how to create webControlproxy1?

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for posting your query in the PSC. This looks like an inactive post and hence, we suggest you create a new post for your query. Click on the Write a Post button that’s available on the top right pane of this page. Once created, please reply back here with the URL of the new post.
You may also refer this discussion link as a reference in the new thread.

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
thanks for you info, I had posted a new question as below link.

right click and crate proxy in Item

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
do you mean I right click "Div collection" in object explorer and create proxy?
seems there is only "Navigate to' and 'delete' can be choose when right click it.

Pegasystems Inc.
He means, right-click the blue dot (data output) on the ListLoop -> Items and you will see an option to 'Extract Proxy'

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
got it, thank you so much.

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
By the way, I am trying to create a "divCollection" (it contain many 'A' tag , 'Table' and 'div' tag in the webpage ) as below picture, I want loop them to capture the 'A' tag, but I can't loop any object by subjected way, could you help to check? Screen.jpg
Also, I am trying to create another "Divcollection", i can work successfully, but only loop one time with all div code(as 3rd attachment).

ANZ Australian Capital Territory
thanks, I had got the div Collection list.