
Ford Motor Company
Last activity: 12 Jan 2021 9:47 EST
Pega Robotics Studio is Busy - Unable to open the solution which is used to connect to DB2
I have created a solution in pega with c# script to connect to IBM DB2 using the dll IBM.Data.DB2. While opening the solution in pega i am getting a notification like Busy and at the end its shows a fatal error.
There were no error except a warning "There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built MSIL and the processor architecture of the refernece IBM.Data.DB2,Version=9.0.02,Culture=neutral,..This mismatch may cause runtime failures.., change the targeted processor architecture of our project through targeted processor Manager so as to align the processor architecture between your project and refreneces, or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches the targeted processor architecture of your project.(Micorsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets)
Kindly help me in getting this issue soved