Rulesware LLC
Last activity: 6 Nov 2018 20:02 EST
Unable to connect Visual Studio to Robot Manager - Proposed solution is not working
Cannot comunicate the Pega Robocit Automation Studio withe a Robot Manager. I am getting following error message testing connectivity:
"Server Rejected Credential. You are no longer Authenticated"
The steps for testing the connectivity are:
1.- Open Tools
2.- Click on Options
3.- Expand Pega Robotics
4.- Click on Server Connectivity.
5.- Configure the connection using a RuntimeUser based on the Banker Por RuntimeUser as defined in the article
Robot Manager is version 4
Pega Platform is 7.3.1
Pega Robot Automation Studio (PRAS) is version 8.0.1085.0
Cannot comunicate the Pega Robocit Automation Studio withe a Robot Manager. I am getting following error message testing connectivity:
"Server Rejected Credential. You are no longer Authenticated"
The steps for testing the connectivity are:
1.- Open Tools
2.- Click on Options
3.- Expand Pega Robotics
4.- Click on Server Connectivity.
5.- Configure the connection using a RuntimeUser based on the Banker Por RuntimeUser as defined in the article
Robot Manager is version 4
Pega Platform is 7.3.1
Pega Robot Automation Studio (PRAS) is version 8.0.1085.0
Other considerations:
1.- It is possible to download the "Relevant Properties" of the Pega Class at PRAS.
2.- The service packages for Robotic and for Pega API has the "Force SSL/TLS connection" disabled to be able to access the services by port 80, as CA signed certified is not available as we are in POC phase.
3.- Testing to invoke Pega API was performed using the RuntimeUser from Soap UI was successful
4.- The connection was tested with two applications, the Banker Pro application and with another application that includes Robot Manager.
5.- CommonConfig.xml is configured to enable Remote Manager. Studio and RuntimeConfig Files are configured to target same Pega Server where the applications with Robot Manager exist.