"Pega Robot Studio is Busy" is displayed and can not open a solution.
When I try to open a specified solution, I see the following message in the bottom right and the solution does not open.
"Pega Robot Studio is Busy"
At the bottom of Studio, the .osproj file path is still displayed, so it's probably trying to open osproj.
As background, I have some solutions developed in 8.1058.0 open in Studio Proprietary information hidden.
Only one solution can't be opened as above.
As with any solution, the one-way upgrade screen appears when you first try to open it,
osproj is checked and it will be upgraded automatically.
Then when I tried to open those solutions, the other solutions loaded successfully, but this solution is the same no matter how many times you open it.
How will the solution open up?
Thank you for your cooperation.