
Virtusa PVT Ltd
Virtusa PVT Ltd
Virtusa PVT Ltd
Posted: Dec 14, 2022
Last activity: Apr 5, 2023
Last activity: 5 Apr 2023 1:14 EDT
Pega Prediction Topic Model - Learning capability when used inside Data Flow
As of our requirement, created a Prediction Model and used that model (Text Analyzer ) inside Data flow As below,
Prediction Model Description,
- Topic Analysis : NLPTestTopic- using Maximum Entropy Model
- Sentiment analysis - default
- Entity Extraction : using Key Words Extraction
Prediction Model Not associated with any Channel,
Once we Executed the Data Flow, since we are using ML(Machine Learning) for topic detection
- Q 1. will the model self-learn, although we are using it in Data flow?
- Q 2. Is there any additional configuration that needs to be done when we are using the text analysis model directly inside the data flow - to enable self-learning?
- Q 3. possibility to provide feedback to the model and correct it since it is referred inside the data flow?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***