
Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 16 Oct 2018 12:03 EDT
PEGA Open span Studio Plug In for Visual Studio 2015
Hello ,
Could you please provide me the path to Plug In for Visual Studio 2015, for learning Open Span.
In the documentation guide , i found we need to download and install OpenSpanPluginVS2015Setup.exe , if we have Visual Studio 2015 already.
Any help in this regard, Much appreciated.
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venky,
You'll want to contat your Support Contact Administrator. Only they can add or remove members to the account.
Here is some more information that may be of help to them to add you.
[VIDEO] Support Guide: Support Contact Administration
Updates to Support Contact Administrator Role
Hope that helps!

Pegasystems Inc.
I hope below link should help you with this
Thank You.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thank you for the response, But the link given is for checking pre-requisites to insatll openspan studio. I'm checking for the .exe file of Studio.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venky,
To download Visual Studio, I belive that you have to look into Microsoft sites. Here's what I found:
I also read that Pega Robotic Automation Studio is a complete stand-alone version built for developers who do not have Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 installed. As part of the Studio installation, the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Isolated Shell is installed, which provides the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) foundation for Studio and a familiar, feature-rich development environment. Refer to the Pega Robotic Automation Studio 8.0 Installation Instructions for instructions on installing the Pega Robotic Automation Studio standalone edition.
To get the installable, you will need to create an SR with Pega Support on the My Support Portal with the request type set as Media Request.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks Lochana,
I'm unable to create an SR , getting below error. If i have admin rights on machine, will this problem resolve

Pegasystems Inc.
You will need to open a Media Request with Support in order to get a download for Pega Robotics Studio Plugin.

Tata Consultancy Services
Thanks Vegam, While raising an SR i'm getting , My account is not added to any Support contact. How to get this done.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Venky,
You'll want to contat your Support Contact Administrator. Only they can add or remove members to the account.
Here is some more information that may be of help to them to add you.
[VIDEO] Support Guide: Support Contact Administration
Updates to Support Contact Administrator Role
Hope that helps!