
Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 17 Apr 2019 3:33 EDT
Pega Marketing Consultant Version 8 | Creating New Propositions
The version 8 training environment is different relative to the system shown in the course videos. First difference noticed is in navigation. For example, in exercise to create new propositions, the menu options in course documentation and actual cloud environment are different. I noticed the discrepancy from start of course.
After selecting Proposition Management, the Student Guide (L-6854) indicates there should only be one Business Issue, Sales, and that under Sales there should be a Group called Phones. In the environment, there are multiple Business Issues, and no Group called Phones under the Business Issue called Sales.
People taking the course can probably continue on, and learn with these differences. However, since the content is new to most users, the differences can cause issues moving through course.