"PEGA Marketing Consultant" Course
In the course, there is this hyperlink at the right hand side called "Student Guide" which opens up to the link below :
Most of the content is unreadable due to the OCR un-readability of some sort.
Can someone please fix it? I have a PEGA cert to do soon and these notes are buggy as hell (I'm pretty sure the other Student guide links for other chapters also have this sort of bug).
Come to think about it first we had to study 2 courses.. PEGA decision management essentials and another course as prerequisites for "Certified Pega Marketing Consultant (CPMC) 72V1". Then without warning, they merged it to PEGA Marketing Consultant course. With all these changes, they expect us to pass with at least 70% passing mark? You have got to be kidding me.
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The link you have shared is working fine. If it does not work for you, please ask a colleague to help you to download. Maybe there is some issue on your local laptop. Alternatively, provide us with your email address and we can send it to you.
>>> these notes are buggy as hell
Did you report any bug? If not please do, so that we can improve your experience.
>>> I'm pretty sure the other Student guide links for other chapters also have this sort of bug
If you have any concrete issues feel free to reach out to us using this forum. We do our best to give a prompt reply.
>>> Come to think about it first we had to study 2 courses.. PEGA decision management essentials and another course as prerequisites for "Certified Pega Marketing Consultant (CPMC) 72V1".
This merging has been done a very long time ago, and appropriate emails were sent by us. In any case, if you have done the essentials course earlier, you might have noticed that after the merging the content was exactly the same.
Good luck with your exam. If we can support you just post on this forum.
Sorry but I'm really stressed right now. What is worrying is that I cannot find anyone posting any topic about the CPMC Course/Exam bugs or problems encountered so I had to post.
>>> The link you have shared is working fine. If it does not work for you, please ask a colleague to help you to download. Maybe there is some issue on your local laptop. Alternatively, provide us with your email address and we can send it to you.
Yes, my colleague told me that he couldn't even open the link before. But it's ok I found that the pdf is quite similar to the transcripts.
>>> Did you report any bug? If yes where? If not, please report before making such statements.
Ok the only that pdf file I mentioned have that bug so far for download links.
The other bugs I'm referring to are the cloud instance exercise guide
For Example when I sign in as :
Sorry but I'm really stressed right now. What is worrying is that I cannot find anyone posting any topic about the CPMC Course/Exam bugs or problems encountered so I had to post.
>>> The link you have shared is working fine. If it does not work for you, please ask a colleague to help you to download. Maybe there is some issue on your local laptop. Alternatively, provide us with your email address and we can send it to you.
Yes, my colleague told me that he couldn't even open the link before. But it's ok I found that the pdf is quite similar to the transcripts.
>>> Did you report any bug? If yes where? If not, please report before making such statements.
Ok the only that pdf file I mentioned have that bug so far for download links.
The other bugs I'm referring to are the cloud instance exercise guide
For Example when I sign in as :
Role: System Architect
User Name: administrator@pega.com
Password: install
and tried following the steps in PRACTICING WHAT YOU LEARNED
part of the course, I wasn't able to import it due the drop down menu not appearing (see the screenshot Pega cloud instance bug.png)
So I wasn't able to do any of the exercises properly until I found a username below in one of the exercises :
User Name: NBAAAdministrator
Password: install
Which then I could finally do I what I need.
Because of that issue, I felt I had wasted alot of time trying to get the exercise guide working.
Since my style of studying involves doing exercises rather than watching video / reading notes, I feel it has impacted my studying for the exam greatly.
What is more the practice exam only has 38 questions. I wish there was Mock Exam that does have 73 questions like in the real exam itself....
We are sorry you have a bad experience with CPMC.
Let's try to fix it what we can.
1. Regarding pdf, although it is indeed similar to the transcript, we think it is useful especially for reviewing what you have learned at a later stage. This because it contains also some screenshots from the videos. Therefore you do not need to rewatch entire videos if you are just interested in a specific aspect. Did you try to download the pdf and open them with the (latest) PDF reader (instead of online)?
2. Regarding the importing of the jar file. Please note that the cloud instance you have got is assigned just for you. it is not shared with other people. It is a fresh instance. Therefore at the very first time of usage of it, you may experience some slowness. The first time it may take up to few seconds to render a menu item or a new UI element on the screen. Unfortunately, we can not do too much about this. I have just tried on your cloud instance (you shared from screenshot) and all seems to be working fine and fast now. See below:
We are sorry you have a bad experience with CPMC.
Let's try to fix it what we can.
1. Regarding pdf, although it is indeed similar to the transcript, we think it is useful especially for reviewing what you have learned at a later stage. This because it contains also some screenshots from the videos. Therefore you do not need to rewatch entire videos if you are just interested in a specific aspect. Did you try to download the pdf and open them with the (latest) PDF reader (instead of online)?
2. Regarding the importing of the jar file. Please note that the cloud instance you have got is assigned just for you. it is not shared with other people. It is a fresh instance. Therefore at the very first time of usage of it, you may experience some slowness. The first time it may take up to few seconds to render a menu item or a new UI element on the screen. Unfortunately, we can not do too much about this. I have just tried on your cloud instance (you shared from screenshot) and all seems to be working fine and fast now. See below:
Please try and confirm it is working for you.
>>> Since my style of studying involves doing exercises rather than watching video / reading notes, I feel it has impacted my studying for the exam greatly.
I am extremely happy to hear this. We also believe that doing exercises is the best way to learn the product. In the same time, I recommend you to go through the lesson as well since during the exam you get questions from the content.
Please keep providing us feedback so that we can improve your experience.
p.s. Regarding the Mock exam, it is, unfortunately, not in our power to change that.
Sorry to see you again experience issues.
Which course are you trying to do? The latest certification course is this one: https://academy.pega.com/enroll/C-789 . It is based on the 7.21 version of Pega Marketing.
You can also find it by searching on academy.pega.com for Certified Pega Marketing.
From the screenshot, you have shared it seems you are using the 7.13 version (older version). Note the certification is on 7.21. Please visit this page.

Regarding the student guide, please make sure you use the latest version of the Adobe PDF plug-in for reading online PDF files.

I'm sorry to hear you are under a lot of pressure for passing the Marketing Consultant exam.
Don't worry we are here to help you out. In our experience, when you study as serious as you are, it will not be problem to become a Certified Pega Marketing Consultant. The practices exam is indeed a good way to test your progress.
Good luck with the real exam!