Pega Marketing 731 Microsite - vertical scrollbar is not displayed
please, could somebody help me with following issue. We implemented Microsite for client (Pega Marketing 7.3.1) and we have problem with vertical scrollbar, which disappears, if we access Microsite through load balancer. If we access Microsite directly with the node url, then the scrollbar is displayed correctly.
I attached screenshots for following scenarios:
1. load Microsite through LB url (Microsite contains inside and outside vertical scrollbars, attachment iTest_lb_startPage.PNG)
2. invoke an action on the Microsite - pick up value from autocomplete input field "Team" (Microsite contains only outside scrollbar, the inside one has disappeared, attachment iTest_lb_afterAction.PNG)
3. load Microsite through direct link (Microsite contains inside and outside vertical scrollbars, attachment iTest_directLink_startPage.PNG)
4. invoke an action on the Microsite - pick up value from autocomplete input field "Team" (Microsite contains inside and outside vertical scrollbars, attachment iTest_directLink_afterAction.PNG)
Thanks a lot for your helps