
Last activity: 4 Jun 2024 7:21 EDT
Pega KM - KMCommunityUserAG and Help site linkage
Hello- This may be a basic question. But I can't seem to figure this out.
How does the Help site is linked with KMCommunityUserAG. I mean I can create as many help sites I can and I wan to show a specific help site for the user when they login with KMCommunityUserAG. Is there a setting or is it coded in a rule that we can override and update with implementation specific help site. Please advise.
For example:
We have 4 help sites configured with different categories linked to each one of them and have a default help site with all categories linked. We would like to display the default help site when a community user logs in,
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add past KM item tags***