Tata Consultancy Services
Last activity: 30 May 2017 15:32 EDT
Pega Default Busy Indicator Image is displaying partially and Inconsistently
The Pega Default Busy Indicator Image which we see while our data gets loaded is displaying partially. Also its location is also not consistent. Sometimes it displays at the top of the screen, sometimes at the bottom and sometimes left or right.
It is not a issue due to our code. Please help so that it displays totally and consistently at one place
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to SR details***
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Durga Vara Prasad Narayana Rao Bali -
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Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, SA-BusyIndicator is displayed on the first row in grid was generated as a resolution. If you have the same question, please reference this SA.
Hello Ashish,
Can you confirm if this screen has a modal dialogue and a refresh on that being configured?
Could you please show design of the layout?
Shanthini Charles
Tata Consultancy Services
Hello Shanthini,
Thanks for replying.
Yes the screen has a modal dialogue and a refresh is configured on that.
Please find the attachment containing design of the layout.
This is a defect raised by our client and we need to fix this as soon as possible
Hello Ashish,
Thanks for providing the details.
Could you confirm the PRPC version being used at your end based on that can check if we have some known hotfixes
Shanthini Charles
Tata Consultancy Services
Hello Shanthini,
We are using PRPC version 7.1.9
Tata Consultancy Services
Hi Shanthini,
In the below image Testbox A is an Autocomplete which is a section include in a repeat grid. It also has visibility condition that it will be visible when the textbox before it will have value. As it takes time for the autocomplete to be visible we are seeing the Busy indicator.
while, if we just click on the + sign without populating the Autocomplete, the Busy indicator does not hide. Please see as below
I am trying to increase the height of row in repeat grid. If it does not work I will remove the section include and will have the autocomplete directly as a column of repeat grid.
Hi Ashish,
Have you tried as per your last statement?
I believe due to your design of multiple inner layouts busy indicator is getting masked. Can you reduce one or two and check the difference?
Shanthini Charles
Accepted Solution
Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, SA-BusyIndicator is displayed on the first row in grid was generated as a resolution. If you have the same question, please reference this SA.