Display busy indicator/loading icon when the Activity is loading data from DB
Hope everybody is doing good. This post may see redundant as it is quite similar to other posts. However other posts did not clarify my doubts.
My requirement is to display busy indicator/loading icon while Activity is loading data from Database. There is no button click or checkbox click is present/required. It runs the activity directly which fetches all data from database and populates on screen. I want to display the icon till activity loads all data and ends.
Master menu.jpg represents list of items. When I click on Invoice Tracking. it loads the UI and it's blank without any icon or loading message. You can refer Blank_screen.jpg which represents the same.
FlowAction.jpg represents the Activity which fetches all data from database.
User_Interface.jpg represents UI where data is populated.
I will attach screenshot for your reference.
Thanks in advance.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***