Pega Connect-SQL Database Class Mapping
Hello, We are currently running Pega 8.8 on DB2, PegaDATA, and our product data database is DB2 as well.
We are upgrading to Pega 24.1 which means Pega will be stored on SQLServer, but our product data will remain in DB2. The issue is that we have 1,313 Connect-SQL rules that are on classes that do not have database mappings. This has always been assumed to be our DB2 instance with Pega running on DB2.
We've defined our DB2 product database as AOSOR We've tried going into the Advanced options of PegaDATA and including AOSOR as another "database that should be reachable by views in the database" We are currently working on Creating new classes to save all of our Connect SQLs to that are mapped to AOSOR, which is quite the effort for our dev team and our QA team.
I am wondering if there may be any other options to map all of our existing Connect SQLs to AOSOR other than by class. Thanks!