Pega Collections cloud setup
We are leasing are installing pega collections app on AWS cloud ( restricted to our network) .
I am focussing on mainly two important items:
1. Issues encountered and their resolutions
2. Best practices
1. Issues encountered:
1.1 GateWay time out 504 : I get frequent time outs on chrome debugger console which displays a blank screen after few mins.
Configuration : There is a load balancer which routes the requests to individual tomcat instances. Load balancer is configured to accept https only requests and tomcat instances are configured to accept http instances. Has anyone faced HTTP to HTTPS redirect problem ? .
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We are leasing are installing pega collections app on AWS cloud ( restricted to our network) .
I am focussing on mainly two important items:
1. Issues encountered and their resolutions
2. Best practices
1. Issues encountered:
1.1 GateWay time out 504 : I get frequent time outs on chrome debugger console which displays a blank screen after few mins.
Configuration : There is a load balancer which routes the requests to individual tomcat instances. Load balancer is configured to accept https only requests and tomcat instances are configured to accept http instances. Has anyone faced HTTP to HTTPS redirect problem ? . How did we solve it?
1.2 Hazelcast search: I have two instances in this setup which are failing to talk to each other . I am getting socket timeout exceptions.
2. Best practices:
2.1 If I need to restart the machine , I need to login to the box and restart the tomcat. Is there any better way to handle this?
2.2 As part of our project , we need to read a file from a folder. We are looking to use S3 bucket for this. From your experience,is there any better solution than this?. Have we encountered any problems in this kind of setup?
Please send me if you have any related documents which will help us in resolving the problems sooner rather than identifying them in production.
***Updated by moderator: Lochan to add Categories; remove proprietary information***
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