Pega can't find primary keys for external table after re-creating
I have an external Oracle database table that I'm mapping a Class to. The table has 3 primary keys. Everything was working fine but then I needed to change several column definitions so I just dropped the table and recreated with the new/redefined columns. No change to the PK's or metadata or grants, etc. I've refreshed the Database Table record in Pega and the Class definition. But when I test connectivity it says the PK's do not match and it lists the 3 PK's on the Class but for the table it only lists 1, which is incorrect as it has 3.
I've tried deleting and recreating the Database Table record, restarting the application on the server (with and without cache clear), forcefully deleting the Class definition and recreating. Pega still can't seem to find the full list of PK's for the table.
What do I need to do to force Pega to see all the PK's?