Pega agents 8.1
We monitor if Pega OOTB agents run on our intranet- and/or webnodes according to a configuration file with each agent in it and a true/false whether it should run.
We've recently upgraded to Pega 8.1 (on OTA) and I now I would like to know if agents should run:
- on all nodes
- only on intranet nodes
- only on web nodes
I've created an excel document (see attachment) with all Pega 8.1 agents and in the last column (All/intranet/web nodes) we've entered what we think is right.
Can you share your comments on our first guesses?
And a 2nd, related, question:
Can we configure the 2 test agents to run on all environments? Assuming that they'll never run on a production (level 5) environment?
- Pega-AutoTest:RunRecursiveTestSuites
- Pega-AutoTest:RunTestSuitesFromAgent
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***