Pega 8.5.3 includes fix for Pega Tags Search is not returning any results?
Need a clarification on Pega 8.5.3 patch fixes. We had issues Pega 8.3.3 Tag search not returning results. Raised SR[INC-162383] for the same. Pega has suggested a local fix for this issue. Further mentioned that same is available as part of 8.6 patch.
Root cause description: There are no relevant functionality to get all the cases related to tags in all the application workpools.. Which was implemented after in US-311378 in 8.4. We gave a fix for this through BUG-590255 in 8.6 patch. Solution type: Local Change - Pega Rule Solution description: Save-as the pyGetTagCasesAcrossWorkpools activity into application ruleset and then add step call GetWorkPoolsInApp as first step in the activity
Can anyone confirmed that suggested local change is available as part of Pega V 8..5.3?