
Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
Last activity: 13 Sep 2019 10:19 EDT
Pega 8.1.3 BIX error: table doesn't exist in target Database: PegaBixRepo
we have setup BIX extraction rule in pega 8.1.3.
PostgreSQL server is the DB backend to which the extrcation rule should send data. we have setup the DB in pega and tested the connectivty.
On running the extract rule - we get the below error:
2019-05-21 10:38:37,211 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO mpg - Processing extract rule with insKey :RULE-ADMIN-EXTRACT INT-TTT-GSM-ABC-WORK-ABCEXCEPTION TESTEXTRACT1 #20190521T102002.770 GMT
2019-05-21 10:38:37,219 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO mpg - bix/useHistoryClasses setting has been disabled
2019-05-21 10:38:38,761 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO mpg - Processing Class: INT-TTT-GSM-ABC-WORK-ABCEXCEPTION with 3882 instances (Processing count may vary as records get modified before BIX extraction)
2019-05-21 10:38:38,761 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO mpg - BIX Version : 8.1.3
2019-05-21 10:38:38,775 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) ERROR mpg - abc.abcexception: table doesn't exist in target Database: PegaBixRepo
2019-05-21 10:38:38,790 [ PegaRULES-Batch-4] [ ] [ ABC:01.01.01] ( internal.access.ExtractImpl) INFO mpg - PAL Statistics for BIX Extract run :
Please help
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****
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Thirumala Rao -
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Accepted Solution

Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
Hi All,
Was able to resolve this by adding the schema as "currentSchema=abc" in the postgreSQL Connection jdbc url within Pega database setting.
Thank you all for suggestion given.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sonal,
As the extraction output is to database,Did you generate the schema DDL which contains the query to create table in database.
The error message says that target table database doesn't exists in the database.
IF not, please generate the DDL and create the table in database. After that try executing the extract rule and verify the records in database.
Please let us know if that works.
Waseem Khan

aaseya it services
i have created like ddl like u said and tried running extract rule but wtill getting same error as table is not there in target database

Pegasystems Inc.
We see that you have another post for this, which hs much activity! Extract Rule is not Working

Pegasystems Inc.
You will get this error when your target database does't not contain the suitable table.So before running the extract please check the checkbox to generate the create table query so that it will give you the query . Run the same query in the target database and perform the extract operations

Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
Thank you for the reply.
Running the table schema to create the table was our first step. only after this we ran the rule to perform the extract. Still same error.
Tried this for one more class now:
Please suggest any other option to try out

Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Sonal,
Is the target database table part of PegaRules and PegaData schema or it is created as part of separate schema. Can you please provide us the database table definition along with screen shots of Extract rule?
Also please enable the debug logs for below class and provide us the log file.

Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
target database is a seperate database with a seperate schema. it is not part of pega rules or pega data. ports are open between page app and the DB. we have tested out the connectivity.
Attached screenshots of ruleset and Db setup in Pega
Attached logs in debug mode

Pegasystems Inc.
Please create the target table in the default schema of the external database. Dont create it in any separate schema as we dont have any option to specify the schema name here
So Please create the table in the default schema.
What is the external database type?

Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
the external database type is postgreSQL
we have BIX on pega 7.2 where we push extracts to microsoft SQL server. Here we push data to separate schema and it works.
why not in postgreSQL?
Accepted Solution

Intel Technology India PVT Ltd
Hi All,
Was able to resolve this by adding the schema as "currentSchema=abc" in the postgreSQL Connection jdbc url within Pega database setting.
Thank you all for suggestion given.

Pegasystems Inc.
Thank you for updating the solution! We have marked this post as Answered.