
Maantic Inc
Last activity: 9 Aug 2017 16:34 EDT
pega 7.2.1 is not supporting 3D view chart
Pega 7.2.1 version is not supporting 3D view chart, does it has any hot fix or any other solution?
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hi John,
For pxChart control, it will render the charts in 2D view only by default. If you want to configure the charts in 3D, than configure the Chart control instead of pxChart control. Please refer attached image for more information.

Maantic Inc
Thank you Praveen for your input.
we are looking onload, system should display the chart in 3D. This option is available in pega 7.1.6, not sure why it is not in 7.2

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello John,
Navigate to Charts tab of respective Report definition, click on General settings link and open the Format Options than check the Initial display in 3D where available option. Now verify the behavior.
Please refer attached document for detail steps.

Maantic Inc
Thank you Praveen for screen print, please try to connect report definition in chart control, it wont display in 3D. That is my issue here. It happens only in pega 7.2.1

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello John,
We have implemented sample at our end, by connecting Report definition with Chart control by enabling Initial display in 3D where available option in format optins in Chart tab of RD. At run time by defaults charts are rendering in 3D. Please refer attached document for more details.

Hi Praveen,
Thanks for the info, u'll get the 3d chart but chart actions menu don't have the export to PDF and other options which used to be present if u enable them in Report viewer tab in RD. Now in 7.2.1 even though they are enabled the are not appearing. and we dont have option to export chart to pdf except providing separate link in UI and call RD which gives results in new tab -> provides all new 7.2 features under actions button including export to pdf .
Issue: i have to show 3d chart in UI(client req) for which 'm using chart control, which again shows the "Chart Actions" along with 3D chart, looks like we providing 2 links(which client wont agree).
Can you suggest if we can disable the "Chart Actions " link that appears with chart control so that we can avoid having 2 links. Attaching screen shot.

Maantic Inc
Hi Praveen, Are you recreated this issue in pega 7.2.1.
I verified your screen, look like you are not using the latest chart control.

Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Shashidhar,
Currently we are displaying the 3D charts by using Chart control only, which is non-auto generated control. So when we include that control in section, than it is will display the Chart Action link at runtime. So don't have any settings to disable Chart Action link for Chart control.

Thanks Praveen for the updates.