Tech Mahindra
Last activity: 2 Jun 2023 7:33 EDT
PE86: Failed to compile rule: /com/pegarules/generated/
Hi Community,
In PE V86 when trying to save the Data Set of type "youtube" for the first time after creating it, pega throws the following error in the rule form.
"Java Generation Failed: Exception thrown by "com.pegarules.generated.pega_decisionengine_datasetfua.pzDataSetMethodFinish""
In the log file I could see the below compilation error
"Failed to compile rule: /com/pegarules/generated/
Error compiling: com/pegarules/generated/pega_nlp_youtubedataset; see class's compile log file."
In tracer I could see the "pega.checkJavaGeneration();" method in the Validate activity of class Rule-Decision-DataSet is throwing below error
"Failed to extract 'pega_nlp_youtubedataset' "
Could someone help me in below question...
1. Compilation failed due to error in jar extraction but what are the potential causes?
2. Where could I see the class's log file?
3. How could I resolve this?
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***