
Last activity: 22 Oct 2021 10:53 EDT
package load time changed automatically in Robot manager
Hi ,
In robot manager under the work group we are having the option called Expected load time .
when we give 600sec , it will get changed automatically as 60sec .during bot start .
is there anything we need to change to set this time as 600sec by default .?
please suggest . Thanks .
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Pegasystems Inc.
I presume that you refer to the Package's "Expected load time". Could you share which version of Robot Manager and Robot Runtime are you using? I just tested with RM 8.6.1 and RR 19.1.65 and works fine.
Additionally, why do you want this to be 600 seconds, are your machines extremely slow?
Updated: 21 Oct 2021 6:08 EDT

some times Bot take more than 60 sec to get register . so we are changing this time . It getting Timeout Error / self terminate when we are having 60 sec and if increase to 120/180 sec it gets activated and
Ready for work .
Robot manager 8.4.2 on Pega platform 8.4.1 & RR 19.1.51 .

Pegasystems Inc.
The registration seems to be successful. It looks like the issue it is starting the bot. You need to assign a package for the robot to start. The bot can register and get to stand by without a package, but to start, you need a package to be assigned.

Packages assigned Correctly to the workgroup . The bot also activated and ready for work . But it takes some time . if that time exceeds 60 sec it get timeout because of the timeout we mention above the package
my doubt is if we change the Expected load time to above 60 sec i.e 120 sec/ 180 sec after some time when we stop & start / doing any restart kind of thing , it get changed to default as 60 sec ..

Pegasystems Inc.
Once you change the setting to the new value this stays. I tested this with RM 8.6.1 and Runtime 19.1.65 and older versions and works consistently.
If this is not working for you. May I suggest you to open an INC to Pega Support?

@Angel Hermira is there any DSS for this package load time . the default value is 60 sec . can we change this default value is anywhere ?

Pegasystems Inc.
@GopalakrishnanIyyavu , no it is not a DSS that you can set to change this default value. It is expected to be set by Work Group when you create the Work Group as part of your set up and then tune it as required based on your needs.
Could you help me to understand how to reproduce the issue that you're seeing? I couldn't reproduce it from my end. If you can, I'd suggest you to open an Incident to Pega support

Pegasystems Inc.
@GopalakrishnanIyyavu What do you mean by the setting is getting changed by the bot? Perhaps you can send some screenshots of what you are observing.

@ThomasSasnett Added SS for Reference