new jersey courts
Last activity: 19 Jul 2017 13:21 EDT
Outlook Integration in Pega 7.3
Hello Team,
We have a requirement to get the user calendar details & out of office information details to schedule the meeting with the user. I was referring some old pdn articles and found that, pega is providing some default functionality to get the calendar details for the user from outlook using ActiveX controls. seems, the given functionality is written for old pega versions & even I tired to use it, it's not working for me in 7.2 version(tried some work around too suggested in the pdn articles).
Our current environment is 7.2.1 & we will be upgraded with 7.3 soon. I heard that, ActiveX control already retired in pega 7.3
Can you please let me know how pega outlook calendar integration will be happened in 7.3 without ActiveX controls, Is any alternatives provided in 7.3 or let me know if any new feature introduced in 7.3 for outlook integration.
And also if you can suggest me the alternative best approaches to get the calendar & out of office details for the user from out look, that would be really helpful.
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