
Lloyds Banking Group PLC
Last activity: 20 Oct 2021 4:52 EDT
Outbound Email - MS Office 365 using MS Graph - Customer API Headers
v8.6.1 running on Tomcat in Azure cloud
We are planning to connect to MS O365 to send outbound email using MS Graph and the question we are being asked is if we can add any custom API headers to the Graph endpoint that pega invokes.
Looking at few ootb utilities like SendSimpleEmail (used in the send email shape) and pxCreateAndSendEmail automation (which has header param - but not sure if this is used for API header or used as email headers), it doesn't look like we have an option to pass custom headers as part of the MS Graph API call that the system invokes.
Tried to populate the headers params in the pxCreateAndSendEmail with a customer header and printing the debug details in the log (as we do not have full end to end setup yet), cannot see this header being printed but can see the Authorization header value printed in the logs.
Is there an extension point that we can use to add custom headers to the MS graph implementation that pega internally invokes for email or is the headers param in pxCreateAndSendEmail automation supposed to support this requirement?