
TATA Consultancy Services
Last activity: 13 Oct 2017 6:15 EDT
OpenSpan Integration to Mainframe screens(PC to Host passport application by Rocket)
I am looking for some help ,how to access Mainframe screens (IBM tool called PC to Host passport application) using openSpan(7.1). Can someone help me with documents where it explains.
Thank you.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Start here:
Follow the links to see more about it. The main piece of information that you need to find out is if the emulator uses the hllapi or ehllapi dlls. This is the API that Pega Robotics uses to communicate with the mainframe. If it does not have this dll then the simple answer is that Pega Robotics won't be able to work with it. Some emulators require special configuration to have the mainframe utilize this dll so following up with the application team that manages this will also help you in determining if you can automate it.

TATA Consultancy Services
Thank You Vegam for your reply.
I dont think i see dll in passport installation folder. but is there any other way to access it like screen grabbing and capture the controls. but passport.exe is avaiilable in same system, can we use it as windows application and use screen grabbing to capture data on green screens?

TATA Consultancy Services
Thank You Vegam.
passport.exe file installed in my local maching and open span installed ont he same machine. do you want me to keep hllapi or ehllapi dll in same folder where passport.exe mainframe application installed. if yes could you please let me know where to get these wsdls?

TATA Consultancy Services
i was able to get ehllapi, now i am getting different error. please help. and i tried all custom screen size but still same error.
Exception Type: OpenSpan.Adapters.Text.NativeInterfaces.NativeException
HllapiErrorCode: 1
AdditionalInformation: NameValueCollection with 0 items
Message: "An invalid presentation space was specified."
Data: IDictionary (System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal) with 0 items
TargetSite: Void ConnectWindowServices()
HelpLink: NULL
Source: "OpenSpan.Adapters.Text.Host"
HResult: -2146232832
StackTrace Information
at OpenSpan.Adapters.Text.TextAdapter.StartAdapter()
at OpenSpan.Adapters.Adapter.HandlePerformStart(Object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
at OpenSpan.Design.DesignComponentCommon.OnPerformStart()
at OpenSpan.Design.DesignComponentCommon.Start()
at OpenSpan.Design.DesignComponent.Start()
at OpenSpan.Adapters.Text.Design.TextInterrogationService.StartInterrogation()

Pegasystems Inc.
do you know the dimensions for the terminal?

TATA Consultancy Services
i have given default TN3270(24/80) and also i have tried all dimension options in text adapter but still same error

TATA Consultancy Services Ltd
I could find from the help pages that it supports hllapi.