
Last activity: 29 Sep 2020 7:24 EDT
OOTB roles - To Clone or not to clone
Hey Team..
I wanted to discuss the Pega best practice of OOTB role cloning.. E.g. PegaRULES:WorkMgr4.
What do you think? Should we clone it to app specific role? or should we just use this as a dependent role for an app specific role? On a high level I see that if we clone - less dependency on Pega product changes in future. If we do not clone - More dependency on Pega product changes in future - the role may change or new role may replace this - we need to factor in for good amount of testing at that time. But isn't this all part of the product upgrade?
I mean we aren't cloning the Pega platform anticipating that Pega might change a lot of underlying rules in future releases! Similarly, I guess we need not clone the OOTB roles.. Has any one come across a situation that negates this idea?