Once the Major skim done , New major version has rules from all the version of previous major version
Hi All,
I did a major version skim from XYZFW:01 to XYZFW:02, in the 01 version there were rule sets from XYZFW:01-01-01 to XYZFW:01-05-15. But I wanted to include rulesets related to my application only. My application was pointed to XYZFW:01-05-05. So in the wizard when I selected Major skim from Major version was 01, min version was 01-01-01 (pre-selected and disabled), Max version was 01-05-05 (pre-selected and disabled), skim to major was 02, but once the skim was done I saw the rules that are beyond the XYZFW:01-05-05 in new XYZFW:02-01-01. Any reason for that? Pega version 7.3.1?
since this is not working as I expected, I decided to do a Minor skim of the rule set and copy it to a major XYZFW:02-01-01. any ideas, please?
Regards, Nayana