
Citigroup technology inc
Last activity: 25 Jun 2018 10:04 EDT
Ojdbc7. jar compatibility with pega7.4 Update
Our application is in pega 7.2.2, we are planning to update to Pega7.4 from our App server, As per the pega platform support guide of Pega 7.4, it is mentioned for pega update 7.4 we have to use ojdbc7.jar along with java 1.8(our current app server is WAS Proprietary information hidden). We wanted to know if we can use jdbc driver file as ojdbc6.jar for the update, as we are only having oraclient Proprietary information hidden which does not support ojdbc7.jar.
Please clarify
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Inhouse I have seen some applications using Oracle Proprietary information hidden - 64bit Production with ojdbc7.jar though I have tested it for 7.3.1 didn’t find any issues .
So you can try 7.4 with Oracle Proprietary information hidden and ojdbc7.jar .

Pegasystems Inc.
You have to use ojdbc7.jar otherwise you would run into issues .
As before the product release it would have been tested with different combination of database and application server we will recommend you to follow the platform support guide .

Citigroup technology inc
Thanks Arun, what is your suggestion, should we install the oraclient 12 which would have ojdbc7.jar to perform the upgrade?
Pega7.4 doesnt support ojdbc6.jar at all?
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Inhouse I have seen some applications using Oracle Proprietary information hidden - 64bit Production with ojdbc7.jar though I have tested it for 7.3.1 didn’t find any issues .
So you can try 7.4 with Oracle Proprietary information hidden and ojdbc7.jar .
Dulshanka De Silva

Citigroup technology inc
Gotch you, but 11.2.4 come only with ojdbc6 not with ojdbc7.jar, if we need ojdbc7.jar then we should install 12 C rite?
I am still trying to understand here how with Proprietary information hidden oracle version, we can have ojdbc7.jar.
Please help to clarify.

Pegasystems Inc.
I am not sure what’s the default ojdbc driver comes with Proprietary information hidden oracle version however while doing the installation setup you can provide the ojbc jar right .
So I have multiple pega versions installed locally with Proprietary information hidden and ojdbc7.jar .
You can try with 11.2.4 and ojdbc7.jar ,let me know if you have further questions .

Citigroup technology inc
Thanks Arun, so we can try simply importing the ojdbc7.jar into only folder on the app server and try performing the update. So Pega 7.4 will not work with ojdbc6.jar corrrect?
pega.jdbc.driver.jar=/opt/oraClient/ Proprietary information hidden/jdbc/lib/ojdbc7.jar

Pegasystems Inc.
Yes you are right .