
Coforge DPA UK Ltd.
Last activity: 13 Jul 2017 8:43 EDT
Number Active Threads count in SMA
As part of application health check I'm checking the Number "Active Threads" count on SMA(System Management Application) screen. This count is showing as 740+ some days which is usually lies between 250 and 350. I'm not able to figure it out why this count is abnormally high for some days. When the Jboss is restarted this count falls down, may be all the passive sessions are killed.
I want to understand what exactly cause this count vary? I know there are number of processes like agents, application components running in the background. But drastic increment of this number must be somehow must be tracked. Please suggest if some one knows more details on this.
How adverse is the increase in "Number Active Threads" count?
For reference, I have attached the screen print.
Thank you.
Durgarao J