Notify Email Configuration for pega Cloud
We need to send email notifications from the our Pega Cloud application to premise email addresses.
This is NOT sending email marketing offers to end customers. All emails are sent to “Notify Parties” that have our email addresses.
The application in Pega Cloud is based on standard Pega 7.3.1 rules and the email notifications are standard notifications from various Pega7.3.1 processes to notify individuals that jobs have run successfully or not, distribute reports, etc.
The assumptions is that to send an email from Pega Cloud the email will be sent from the application to an email server using SMTP.
Our understanding is that in this context, the application represents the email “client” and the requirement is to integrate that “client” to the email server (our premise email server - which appears to be Microsoft Exchange.)
Our project team is looking for a check list of what needs to be done by Pega Cloud and by the customer.
This would include:
- From a Pega Cloud perspective, what needs to be done is open appropriate ports so the SMTP message is sent from Pega Cloud.
- From a customer perspective, what needs to be done to integrate their mail server to the “Application Client” (ports, protocols and email server configuration.)
- From a network perspective, what are the firewall settings and whitelisting that needs to be accommodated.