Last activity: 17 Jul 2018 16:58 EDT
None-blocking deferred load of sections in Pega Customer service framework
Would be able to help me on any existing mechanism which supports to implement none-blocking UI rendering when using deferred load in Pega 7.2 with Data pages?
"Mainly without using HTML Frameset or iFrame."
Thank you in advance.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Anur,
I don't know what you mean by none-blocking UI rendering. Are you saying you don't want the user to trigger the deferred load and then display it on the UI? Or after they trigger it, you still don't want to display it? Can you give us more of an idea of what your use case is?
Thank you Mike. As you know, In Pega customer service, when loading interaction driver screen, summary and account screens(Composite) are populated with Data Page which invokes multiple web services to core data center. This loading process blocks to start new intent task. As per the Data page behavior it should not block the main thread which is dedicated to main interaction case or service case. But each data page loading blocks to access the functionalities in main service case (Interaction case thread).
In earlier CPM versions had HTML frameset which was loading the Composite. Composite was used to list customer interaction summary and account information. Currently , in Pega CRM 7.21 , interaction driver and these summary screens(composite) are in the same HTML frame(same source page), so that we have utilized deferred load on the summary (Composite - section name CPMCompositesContainer with many inner sections) sections with Data Page(Thread scope).
But these Data page loading blocks users launching or creating new service case using "Add task" in interaction driver until all the data pages loads.
This is the behaviour I have described as blocking UI in the question and we are seeking none-blocking UI with deferred load option.
Please let me know if you would require further clarifications.
Thanks again for your clarifications.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hello Anurathan,
Non blocking UI works only when a section is loaded with a data page and checkbox defer load is ticked.
Do make sure you have ticked Defer Load check box in the include section instead of a Layout.
It should work.
Sibani Saidarsini
Hello Sibani,
I have raised that is the problem. I mean system does not behave as you said. It blocks the UI. I mean it blocks the user action until "Deferred load" loads the sections with data page.
It would be better to have Pega CRM 7.2 on Pega 7.2, and have deferred load section in CPMSummary section with data page that should call a SOAP service to populate data. While summary sections will be loading , you better try to launch the Intent task using Add task button and check the behaviour. As per PDN definition Data Page should own its own thread but it uses the main interaction case thread and block the user action.
It may be the reason earlier CPM versions had the following DOM Model , which worked independently. I mean Composite loading (summary sections) didn't block actions on Interaction Driver.
<frameset> </frameset>
<frameset> </frameset>
Do you have any APIs to create accessible child Requestor thread to load Data pages and then move them seamlessly back to parent Requestor thread in the background?
Thank you for your response
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Anur,
Thank you for the response.
I am not sure if we have any APIs to create accessible child requestor thread to load data page.
Could you please create an Support request so that we can access your environment and investigate the issue .
Sibani Saidarsini
Hi Sibani,
SR has been raised and investigation has ended up, saying that It cannot be achieved in Pega with OOTB features. So that I thought to post in the forum to receive knowledge from Pega Devs.
Pegasystems Inc.
Liberty Global Europe Ltd
I have the same issue with version 7.3.1. Section is set to reference a database and defer load it checked but the main UI is blocked with the datapage loads. This is not the behavior the documentation describes. Did you ever get this to work?
Pegasystems Inc.