
Last activity: 3 Jan 2017 15:03 EST
Need urgent help with JMS MDB/MQ
My project has a requirement of reading credit/debit transactions through a MQ in Pega. Here's what I did so far -
a) Configured JMS queues on WAS (Websphere app server)
b) Created a JNDI Server rule. Test connectivity and JMS Explorer work fine.
c) Created a JMS MDB Listener rule (Values in tabs shown in images).
d) Created a JMS Service rule, Service Package etc.
Question :
a) I believe next step is to click "Generate MDB" on JMS MDB Listener and then deploy the jar file on websphere as given on PDN ( Can someone please confirm the values on JMS MDB Listener (attached) are correct before I deploy MDB jar..?
b) Once a) is completed, how can I test my JMS Service rule to retrieve these messages and pass them to the Activity in Service rule..?
Platform : PRPC 7.2.1