
HCL America Inc
Last activity: 17 Feb 2016 9:28 EST
We have a requirement to handle large volume messages via JMS. The estimated volume is 300 to 400K and we are expected to process in a span of 12 to 18 Hours.
So we would like to know which one would perform well, plain JMS or JMS MDB? (We understand the overall process time is dependent on various other factors like no. of integration point, no. business rules etc.)
The other questions is regarding the operational challenges related to JMS MDB:
We do not want the MDB listener to start along with JVM and hence PEGA admin team has to co-ordinate with Websphere team to turn ON the MDB listener every time when there is server bounce or queue is up after maintenance. Would like to know if there is document to address the operational challenges in case of MDB Listener
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 20 Jul 2015 13:15 EDT

Usage of JMS listener depends on how we configured PRPC application either as an enterprise application or as web application.If it is web application deployment you would use JMS listener. If it is enterprise application you would use JMS MDB listener.
You can select the "Blocked" checkbox in Listener rule form so that it won't start with server restart. We have to manually start it from SMA.

Using JMS listener just depends on Pega deployment type or is it also depends on app server on which Pega deployed.
because in our case we have WAR deployment on JBOSS. so can I go-ahead with JMS listener.

You can go with JMS Listener for WAR deployment.
. When your system is deployed as a Web application, the listener runs as a Java thread, created when the system starts. The listener waits for incoming messages on the JMS destination (queue or topic). At regular intervals (as specified on the listener form), the listener checks to see the system issued a request for it to stop running. If your system is deployed as a Web application, configure JMS listeners with this JMS Listener form.
Please refer

Rulesware LLC
Hi Gangababu
Just want to get to your attention that for JMS MDB listeners previously we can set the Startup Option is present in Pega 6.3 where we could control node based/host based startup for JMS MDB listener. We have a requirement to enable JMS MDB listeners only on certain jvms . When trying to explore options in 718 in the JMS MBD Listener rule form in Listner properties tab there is no more starup Option , but the help still seems to talk about it!. If pega has purposefully removed the startup option from 718 what is the correct approach to achieve this now? also please note that the help/documentation should be updated accordingly.

Hi Manoj,
I would suggest you to raise a new thread so that it gets attention for larger audience instead of continuing in the closed thread. Meanwhile I will try to verify the configuration in 7.x version.

Pegasystems Inc.
The Startup option was intentionally removed because it didn't make sense to have it on the MDB Listener rule form when the startup was actually controlled by the application server and not Pega. If you want to enable JMS MDB on only certain JVMs, deploy the MDB (by modifying the deployment descriptors) on only those JVMs. You are right that the documentation should have been updated. Gangababu, could you please spin off a documentation bug for this.

Hi Praneeth,
Help document is already updated. 7.x help doesn't show startup option. I don't think document bug needs to be raised for this.
Manoj, for your reference
7.1.8 help
6.x help:

Pegasystems Inc.
Thanks for the clarification Gangababu.

Rulesware LLC
Thanks Praneeth and Gangababu. Not a biggie but startupOption documentation below maybe yet to be updated.