Need mobile client API reference document
We are using Pega 8.4(which uses Pega Infinity Mobile Client). I wanted to check if we can still refer to this link for writing any custom requirements using javascript from our application.
or do we have any updated mobile client link on infinity? Thanks in advance.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****
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Hi. The updated link for Pega Infinity Mobile Client is:

Thanks for responding back to my request. This link mentioned has two APIs
- Client Store API (Offline database)
- Documents API (Device documents)
Can i use the Calendar Manager API from the earlier API? Is it deprecated in new infinity mobile client? Please let me know.
We have requirements for using Reminder method from Calendar Manager from the earlier mobile client. Please let me know if this is still possible in 8.4. Thanks in advance.

Pega Infinity Mobile Client exposes only the two APIs (Client Store and Documents). Other than that it is not backwards-compatible with Pega Mobile Client. These are two separate products where Pega Mobile Client has been deprecated as a whole.

Thanks for responding back to my question. If both are separate products then I cannot build custom client modules in the new mobile infinity client. Correct?
If we have a requirement to leverage Reminder method from Calendar Manager, then do we have any option to access in Pega 8.4? Thanks in advance.

In Pega Infinity Mobile Client you can also develop the custom modules. Unfortunately, the official documentation for this is not ready yet.
Nevertheless, you can find the README file with the instruction in the PIMC devkit package. Hope it will be enough. If not - do not hesitate to contact me.

Thanks for responding back to my request. Is it possible to share the read me instruction file? I was not able to find it. Thanks in advance.

Sorry for the late response (yesterday there was a public holiday here in Poland)
The readme file is not accessible from any public link. It will be in the documentation, hopefully soon but not ready yet.
You need to download Pega Mobile Client (version 8) from software delivery. The readme file is placed within mobiledevkit package.

Thanks for sharing. I was able to find many javascript plugins in the javascript root folder. Can I use them in my mobile app? My customer has a requirement for Calendar plugin. I think there is JS API window.pms.plugins.calendar object which can fetch the calendars and add it to the native device. Let me know if my understanding is right.
Thanks in advance.

I tried and couldn't able to get it, could you please share the link here.

I didn't received the link. I will update once I get it from Pega.